Sarah over at Destiny of One tagged me to tell 6 random things about myself. So....
1. My favorite music types are classical, hymns, and some celtic.
2. My favorite sounds are fallen leaves crunching under my feet, rushing water, cats purring, birds singing, and wind whispering through the trees (my sister, who is sitting with me as I type this, says, "You're so poetic!" - jokingly, of course *smile*).
3. My favorite scents are bread baking in the oven, roses, pine needles, ground coffee (or coffee in any form, come to think of it - except black).
4. If you can't tell, I'm going with favorites here - favorite colors: rose pink, pale green, lavender purple, various shades of blue, dark red... um... I think that's all!
5. I love sewing, especially historical outfits.
ONE MORE! I can do this!!!
6. Ummmmmmm....... OH - favorite flowers: roses, lilacs, irises, and apple and cherry blossoms.
There! I did it. Now I am supposed to tag 6 (ish) other people.
R.J. at Virtuous Girlhood
Miss Taylor at the Godly Girlhood blog
Raeanne Ailene
Well.... that was 6-ISH all right. :-)
Here are the rules for those I tagged (if you all want to do it, of course!) :
*Link to the person who tagged you.
*Post the rules on your blog.
*Write six random things about yourself.
*'Tag' six-or-so other people at the bottom of your post-
*And leave comments on their blogs letting them know they've been tagged.
*Let the person who tagged you know when you've written the post.
Have fun! :-)
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