The day is here - time to announce the winners of the Maidens of Virtue Poetry Contest! We got some very good entries and it was difficult to choose!
Here are all the "announcements" and the actual poems follow:
The Grand Prize Winner in the 9-12 age category, "Having Joy in My Heart," is:
Miss Kiah C.!
Honorable Mentions for this category are:
Miss Rebecca G. & Miss Robyn G. (sisters! :-) )
The Grand Prize Winner in the 13-25 age category, "A Sister's Role in Her Sibling's Life," is:
Miss Kathryn I.!
Honorable Mentions for this category are:
Miss Heather E. & Miss Moriah O.
And now for the poems...
Joy - 9-12 Grand Prize Winner
By Miss Kiah C.
Joy is as heavy as a hug
And as light as air.
Joy is in serving your family.
It is uplifting
And a trial to hold
And may be a sunbeam to carry
But most of all you find your joy
In the Lord. He gives it to us through
Friends and neighbors.
Joy is in the Lord Jesus.
Having Joy in My Heart - 9-12 Honorable Mention
By Miss Rebecca G.
I have joy in my heart with His love and His kindness,
I have joy in my heart with His mercy and grace,
I have joy in my heart with His loving care,
I have joy in my heart with His outstanding power
I have joy in my heart with His outstanding care,
Oh I have joy in my heart from Him!
Let's Remember Paul - 9-12 Honorable Mention
By Miss Robyn G.
When I’m feeling low I turn to the bible and that gives me joy!
God wants us to read His word so we can have joy!
The book I love most is Philippians; I love all the verses in it!
Paul tells us to rejoice in all things and that we should count it all joy!
He also says to think on right things, so when we grumble and complain,
Are we counting it all joy? No.
So let's remember Paul when he was sitting in chains in a Roman prison,
If he can count it all joy so can we.
We who live in comfortable houses and don’t have to wear chains!
So when we are tempted to grumble about doing the dishes or just doing our chores;
Remember Paul and have
Blessed Sisterhood - 13-25 Grand Prize Winner
By Miss Kathryn I.
There is a special role, which only girls can fill,
Created by the Lord, part of His Sovereign will.
A mighty power have we, who have sister for a name,
A role to be desired, much more than wealth or fame.
We as sisters must be gentle, - patient, loving, kind,
Not thinking of ourselves, but having others on our mind.
Whenever you speak, seek to build up another,
Give loving praise, to your sister and your brother.
We must submit to authority, and respectfully obey,
Carrying fully out with joy, all that our parents say.
For we set an example, we are watched in all we do,
May our actions honor Christ, our words please Him too.
I tell you dear maiden, with siblings in your life,
Be a blessing unto others, not to them a source of strife.
Embrace the role of sister, thank God that you can see,
That He’s placed you where you are, in your own family.
When eager little hands, wish to join you in a task,
Do not sigh within your heart, and wish they did not ask.
Instead, pause and pray, that God would give to you,
Patience and forbearance, for those who follow you.
Speak of the Lord, and all that He has done,
From the beginning of each day, to the setting of the sun.
We are told to remember, the mercies of the Lord,
So speak often of His deeds, the blessings He’s out poured.
How often we forget, who’ve been blessed with sisterhood,
What a help we can be, a blessing if we would.
God’s given us a task, may it be our great delight,
To embrace this noble call, serve Him with all our might!
A Sister's Influence - 13-25 Honorable Mention
By Miss Heather E.
A sisters role is needed,
To make the home a happy place;
To gently guide and encourage,
Her vital role can never be erased.
Her siblings depend on her instruction,
They look to her to lead;
To be the example of obedience,
The cornerstone of the family.
O Sister, I know your life is busy,
With many burdens along the way;
Do not neglect your duty,
Care for them day by day.
You have the power to influence,
Use it wisely and you shall see;
The fruitful vines rise up,
Around that olive tree.
Sister's Place - 13-25 Honorable Mention
By Miss Moriah O.
A sister sits -
hands covering face.
What is my duty -
where is my place.
Little does she know
her place sits all around.
Her siblings lives
is where her duty's found.
A kind word -
a cheerful smile,
these things can lighten
a sibling's trial.
Her encouragement
and her grace,
bring a smile
to a sibling's face.
Oh, sister
look and see
what kind of person
each aims to be.
Encourage them
along life's way.
Encourage them
in Christ to stay.
Congratulations everyone! You all did wonderful work!