This film features an all-child cast, ages 9 down to 2, and there are only 5 kids in it. I have to admit, I wasn't expecting much. This was the family's first attempt at film-making, and besides, how good could a bunch of kids be at acting?
Well... was I in for a surprise. The movie was FANTASTIC! It was extremely well done, well acted, and well written. The storyline is similar to Pilgrim's Progress. Sam has escaped from Ravenshead Prison and is running away from her warden, but no matter how fast she runs or how she tries to outwit him, he is always right behind her. Meanwhile, the City of Refuge Guide Service has run out of trained guides to help escaped prisoners reach the City of Refuge, so they send their cleaning boy, Henry, to help Sam.
The movie is humorous and endearing. Henry runs into all sorts of trouble and had me rolling on the floor. The youngest two kids are absolutely adorable. All of them are wonderful actors especially considering their age. I wish I could act that good. :-)
The filming quality was great and very professional and there were some great stunts involved too. All the sets were perfect - all kids' size! There are also several scenes where the same actor will be playing different roles and talking to himself, or where there is a crowd of people, but it's all the same 5 kids. Very impressive!
The music was phenomenal; they hired a professional orchestra to play the soundtrack and it lends a lot to the movie.
This film gets a 5-star rating from me - there wasn't anything I didn't like about it! Great for the whole family - if you're looking for a good, clean, wholesome Christian film, this is it! You can watch the trailer and buy the DVD at Vision Forum.