
April 30, 2009

***Essay Contest Deadline Extended!***

Apparently Maidens of Virtue cannot have a writing contest without extending the deadline. :-) We have had to with both previous contests and this one is no exception!

The new deadline is May 15th, 2009. Winners will now be announced June 1st, 2009.

So if you haven't entered yet, you still have a chance! Click here for the contest information!

April 27, 2009

I was interviewed...

April from Once Upon a Qpon interviewed me about Maidens of Virtue and at her blog you have a chance to win a free copy of The Hope Chest Record Book!

Check it out! :-)

April 25, 2009

One week...

Just a reminder that it is only 1 WEEK till the deadline for essay submissions to the contest! May 1st... email entries must be received by this date and snail mail entries must be postmarked by it.

I'll let you in on a little secret... there's a great chance for winning. In other words, the first three entrants in each category will receive a little gift from us, and you have a very good chance of getting in the first three (in plain English, we need some entries... we have some really great prizes and they need to go to winners!).

So... start writing and pass the word on!!

Here's the link to the contest details if you haven't seen them yet:

April 14, 2009

Win a free custom graphic!

I just started a new website for graphic design, making custom headers, banners and buttons. I haven't opened up for paid business yet because I need more experience working with people and doing what they want, instead of just me picturing something and making it. :-)

So I am having a giveaway, and am giving away a free graphic - your choice. To be entered in the drawing, go to and enter your name, email and website/blog (whatever site you would use the graphic for). You can get more entries when you tell your friends and they enter and mention your name.

I'll announce a winner probably sometime in early May... exact date is not decided yet!

April 3, 2009

Seeking Starchless Recipes

Our family is trying to cut out flour, starch and sugar from our diet... not permanently (I hope!! :-) ) but for a while. For someone who LOVES pasta and bread, it's been really tough planning menus. I went through my recipe box and there are barely any recipes that don't have some form of starch in them (flour, potatoes, etc.).

Soooo... I'm wondering if anyone reading this has any good starch-free recipes, specifically main dishes, though sides are helpful too. If you do, PLEASE leave a comment with your recipe!