
November 22, 2007

Reasons to be Thankful that You are a Daughter...

...instead of a son!

• You have the wonderful privilege of being able to be kissed and hugged by your father no matter how old you are... sons don't always get that! Hugs, maybe, but kisses usually stop when they get older.

• You have the opportunity to serve in a way that sons can't. A daughter holds a special place in the home - as well as in the church and community.

• You get to have the fun of learning all kinds of skills that boys don't learn: sewing, cooking, baking, knitting... the list goes on.

• Let's face it - the clothes that daughters get to wear are much more interesting and pretty than sons' clothes! I infinitely prefer a lovely dress or skirt and blouse to the pants that sons must wear; which is a good thing, seeing as I am a daughter!

• You can embrace different relationships with your father and mother than a son does. Both the father/daughter and mother/daughter relationships are precious and beautiful when properly cultivated; and you would miss this if you were not a daughter.

• You have the protection of your father and brothers, if you have any.

• You can be a "corner pillar" in your father's house, adorning, serving, and supporting your parents and family.

What a blessing! Be thankful that you are a daughter.

November 14, 2007

I've Been Tagged...

Mrs. C tagged me to share 8 random things about myself, so here goes...

1. I am notorious at our house for forgetting about my wet laundry and leaving it in the washer overnight - trying to correct this!

2. One of my favorite things to cook/bake is apple pie, much to my father's enjoyment.

3. I love photographing nature, especially flowers.

4. I have several odd, unofficial "collections," including pitchers and old fashioned keys.

5. I have played the piano for 8 years.

6. I love history, especially the Medieval, Colonial and Civil War eras.

Only two more to go...

7. I never wear pants, one reason being that I do not even own any (that fit, anyway), and the other reason I will not mention because it would take up a great deal of time to explain.

8. Roses are my favorite flower, though there are several others that come very close...

Whew... who thought it could be so hard to think of 8 random things? Now I am supposed to tag 8 others and I hope my friends will forgive me for picking on them but I don't know anyone else...

Lauren S.
Raeanne C.
Anna V.
Megan C.
Hannah D.
Dawn B.
Joanna E.
Ashlei L.

November 6, 2007

Soup Recipes Wanted!

Winter is nearly upon us and there is nothing like a steaming bowl of soup on a chilly winter day. I'm looking for good soup recipes to use throughout this winter.
And if you give your favorite soup recipe, you have a chance to win a copy of the 28 page "The Hope Chest Record Book"! This contest is open to anyone. All you have to do is comment on this post with your favorite soup recipe, and the person with the best recipe will win the book. You are welcome to enter more than one recipe if you wish. When commenting, please do not select "Anonymous" as your identity, as I will need actual names when announcing the winner.

The deadline for this contest has been extended to December 15th, 2007. Winner will be announced here on December 17th.